Account Management
- How do I login to the site?
- I forgot my login password
- How do I change my password?
- How do I switch off my profile?
- How do I reactivate my profile?
- How do I change my email alerts?
Profile Management
Photo Management
- I'm a standard member and I cannot read messages
- How do I report suspect or offensive messages?
- How many messages can I send per day?
- I was notified I received a message, but I can't see it
- Why am I still seeing my deleted messages?
- How do I delete my received and sent messages?
Instant Messenger (IM)
Matches and Searching
- How do I add to, view, or delete my Favorites?
- How do I save my search options?
- How do I find a profile I've seen before?
- How do I order my search results?
- How do I search for members?
- Can I delete someone from My Matches?
Membership Options and Payment
- Why do I have a charge for Southport AU on my card?
- I'm having technical difficulties with my payment
- What is your refund policy?
- How will my payment appear on my Credit Card statement?
- How do I cancel my auto re-billing?
- How is my payment information kept secure?
Site Requirements and Technical Issues
- I'm not receiving emails from
- I'm receiving an error, where can I get more help?
- How do I enable cookies?
- How do I update and enable Java?
- How do I update my Internet browser?
- is blocked by my Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Safety and Security
- How do I report abuse?
- How do I block a user from contacting me?
- How do I keep my password secure?
- Important information about sending money
- How do I protect my safety?
- How does protect my safety?