If you are only interested in messages from members who meet certain criteria, you can create a Message Filter so that only these messages are displayed in your Received box. Messages from members who don’t meet your criteria will be automatically moved to your Filtered box. You may still want to check your Filtered box occasionally to make sure you aren’t missing messages from members you may be interested in. Messages in your Filtered box are automatically deleted after 2 months.
Follow these steps to create or edit your Message Filter:
1. Click here, or choose Messages heading and choose "Create Filter" or "Filter Settings" from the More menu (represented by 3 dots)
2. Choose or edit the criteria of members you want to receive messages from
3. Click the "Submit" button to save the changes
Messages from members who do not meet your filter criteria are now automatically moved to your Filtered box. Your Received box will now only show messages from members who meet your filter criteria.
You can turn your filter on and off by clicking on the slide bar under "Message filter is currently:".
Please note that message filter is not currently available on mobile site or App.